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About LIYV

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About        Living Into Your Vision

Living Into Your Vision is a company founded by Alisha Adrian, Ph.D. for the purpose of changing the world one family at a time. Based in Florida in the U.S.A., LIYV can work with families who have an internet connection, no matter where they live on our beautiful planet. Knowing that children learn what it means to be in relationship with someone from their primary relationships in their early childhood, LIYV seeks to help parents and caregivers of all kinds to be responsive to children and their needs, rather than being reactive to circumstances. Every parent and caregiver that works to become a little more responsive and a little less reactive contributes to a more peaceful and joyful society. We aim to meet people where they are and support them in achieving their goals by employing all of our wisdom, capacities, and talents in accordance with our vision, mission, and values.

Who We Serve

LIYV welcomes all families with open arms and a warm heart. If you want to work with us, we will do our best to meet your needs. 


We are particularly focused on people who want to:

  • Create a vision for their family to guide their decision making;

  • Learn the foundations of peaceful, joyful parenting;

  • Break inter-generational patterns of behavior;

  • Reduce stress related to schooling and academics, especially with regard to math; and 

  • Heal relationships with their own parents.


Our services are delivered through a variety of mechanisms, including:

  • One-to-One coaching via Zoom

  • Group coaching via Zoom or in-person 

  • Presentations via Zoom or in-person

  • Workshops via Zoom or in-person

  • Courses via Zoom or in-person


Our Vision and Mission

At  Living Into Your Vision,

we envision a world

where every child on the planet

has physical, emotional, and psychological safety;

stemming from secure attachments with adults,

who are confident, capable, and supported in joyful, connected communities.

Our mission is to change the world one family at a time,

by supporting parents

with the knowledge, tools, and coaching they need

to break intergenerational parenting patterns,

to construct boundaries based on family values,

and to respond to their children with loving insight.

Our Values

The core values of Living Into Your Vision are trust, integrity, confidentiality, continuous improvement, and abundance.  
Trust is essential in a coaching relationship and, for us, it’s an essential business core value.  As a Living Into Your Vision client, you can trust our intentions, actions, and abilities to provide you with outstanding parent coaching services.  You can rely upon our intention to place the well-being of our clients above everything else.  Our corporate success derives from our reputation for doing just that.  You can trust that we will always act in your best interest and that we will be honest, reliable, transparent, and kind in our business practices.  You can be confident that our coaches have the skills and experience to deliver on those good intentions, with both professional and life experience to bolster formal training through the Jai Institute for Parenting.
Integrity is about standing in your truth and your values. At Living Into Your Vision, we do this as individuals and as a corporation. Our top priority is helping our clients develop better relationships with their children and their families. Meeting that need is more important than making money, getting referrals, building a large social media following, or becoming famous in our profession. We pledge honest and straightforward communications, both on our website and in individual communications; financial transparency, with no hidden fees or fine print; and a space where everyone feels respected, valued, and safe. We assume the best intentions of each person and seek to understand each other through gentle curiosity. 


Trust and integrity create the necessary boundaries for confidentiality and discretion. A parent coach is different from an empathetic friend in part because they are not a part of your daily life. Clients can be candid with their coaches in ways that they may not be comfortable with someone they know well and see often. Clients can express and explore feelings that may have consequences if shared with someone in their daily life. A coach cares deeply about their clients, but does not have a vested interest or ulterior motive. As parent coaches, we have a professional obligation to protect your confidences. Our business practices that protect client's confidentiality are both practical and relational. For example, all information on clients is stored on secured computers behind password-protected security layers in a limited access, secured building. Clients and their situations are never discussed with people outside of the business. While each parent coach has a coach of their own to provide case consultation and feedback on their growth as a coach, these case consultations never include any personal details that may identify a client. 

Continuous improvement expresses our ongoing commitment to our clients through reflection, evaluation, and growth. We identify the "growth edges" of ourselves as individuals and the business as a whole. Growth edges are the boundaries of our performance. We then seek out the resources we need to deepen our understanding, expand our skills, and improve our clients' experience with us. This effort includes reading the latest literature, attending conferences, and doing peer-reviews.  We always welcome constructive feedback from our clients on how we can improve as coaches and as a business. We conduct both formal and informal reviews of our personnel, our business practices, and our business structure. Then we develop a plan to intentionally work on our growth edges.


Abundance describes our overall perspective that “there is enough.” We approach every situation from the perspective of abundance instead of scarcity. We trust that success as a business is the expected result of providing superior services, acting with integrity, and focusing on the needs of our clients. Abundance as a core value allows us to offer scholarships and payment plans to clients who need them. Abundance supports us to plan from a place of safety and peace instead of anxiety and fear. Abundance encourages creative thinking. For example, we brainstorm new workshops, courses, and services without attachment to their revenue-generating potential, but rather with a focus on meeting the real needs of people.
Choosing only five core values is a challenge for us. We resist setting one value as more important than another. However, we confidently state that our core business values are trust, integrity, confidentiality, continuous improvement, and abundance because they form the necessary foundation for other important values, including growth, gratitude, and joy. 

Our Commitment to Economic Justice

At Living Into Your Vision, we are individually and collectively committed to increasing economic justice in the world.


Research shows that the most important predictor of a person's economic situation is the economic situation of their parents.  Economically, the apple rarely falls far from the tree. While we recognize that hard work, persistence, strong ethics, and character do contribute to achieving economic stability; rarely are those enough to lift someone out of the economic strata they were born into. Catching a break, having a mentor, serendipity, and luck also come into play in most success stories.  


In addition, economic stress multiplies the other stresses that some families are dealing with. When money is too tight, it is harder to be patient with a child's developing nervous system and their big feelings. When parents feel economically insecure, it is harder for them to provide a safe and secure emotional connection to their children. Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy some relief for many kinds of stress.


Therefore, our goal is to support all families of all economic situations in accessing resources to better parenting. 


To this end, we are:

  • Providing some workshops and webinars for free;

  • Reserving some coaching slots for parents who can not afford to pay;

  • Experimenting with various payment structures, including 

    • Tiered Pricing where the client chooses the tier,​

    • "Pay What You Can" events,

    • Scholarship Fund for clients in need, and

    • Donation options for clients and friends to support our work.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about our commitment to economic justice, please email us through our contact page.

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