Working with a coach to accomplish a goal or make a change provides two important advantages: support and accountability. Coaching sessions provide support through compassionate witness, focused education, and collaborative problem-solving, while providing accountability through goal-setting and follow-up.
My coaching services are available to individuals for 1-to-1 coaching and to groups for collective coaching. Typically, we meet once per week for an hour, using Zoom. Folks who are in the St Petersburg, FL area have the option of face-to-face meetings. We set goals for our work between sessions and we set intentions for each session.
I offer four different coaching programs to meet different needs. I recommend that parents who are new to coaching start with the Vision Work Program. For more information, click the name of the program below:
4 Session Vision Work Program
The Vision Work Program is designed to be the starting point for becoming the family you want to be. In order to make purposeful changes towards something new or different, you have to have a vision of where you are going. This program combines coaching and reflection exercises to bring vague longings into technicolor clarity.
12-Lesson Jai Program
This program is for parents or care-givers who want a broad, yet deep, program that includes all of the areas for peaceful, joyful parenting. Through the Jai Institute for Parenting portal, clients log in each week to watch short informational videos that introduce the topic of the week and to download workbook pages with reflection questions. Then we meet for our weekly, one-hour coaching session to discuss the topic and its application. Another goal of the coaching session is to help the client connect the topic with their mind, their heart, and their body. A third goal is to support the client to reflect on their typical parenting behavior and decide if they want to make any changes. Many parents find that they want to spend a little more time on a particular lesson, so this package includes 13 coaching sessions.
Lesson 1: Getting to Know Each Other and Setting Expectations
Lesson 2: Setting Your Intentions as an Empowered Parent
Lesson 3: The 10 Core Pillars of Transformational Parenting
Lesson 4: Making Sense of Attachment Science
Lesson 5: Making Sense of Nervous System Science
Lesson 6: Making Sense of Mindsight and Brain Science
Lesson 7: Making Sense of Emotional Intelligence
Lesson 8: The Voice of Transformational Parenting
Lesson 9: The PEACE Process
Lesson 10: Exploring Anger and Healthy Aggression
Lesson 11: Playful Parenting & Storytelling
Lesson 12: Your Personal Transformation
4 Sessions Focused Program
This program is for parents or care-givers who have a specific issue that they want to focus on. Each session is specifically designed for the client to dive deeply into the issue and create the change that they are seeking. Typical issues include changing intergenerational parenting patterns, managing anger and aggression, reducing sibling rivalry, and improving school success.
Uniquely Designed Programs for Groups and Individuals
This program is for clients who want something unique to support their care-giving. A particular program is uniquely designed to meet the needs of a single care-giver, a couple, or a small group. For example, a preschool or church may want a series of workshops for their parents. Or a small set of friends may want to do a book study where I facilitate the discussion and provide reflection activities between sessions. Or perhaps a play-group wants to schedule practice sessions for learning self-regulation and self-care. A family may want support in planning for parenthood or welcoming a new sibling. If you are interested in this program, please contact me for a free session to explore possibilities together.